The Alert Level of Mount Agung Volcano Has Been Downgraded from Level Four to Level Three.
Mount Agung activity has decreased steadily over past weeks says Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation spokesman Mr. Kasbani. The exclusion zone surrounding Mount Agung has been reduced – now only 4 kilometer radius is within hazard zone which means that evacuees can now return back to their homes.
Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation spokesman says he hopes Mount Agung activity will continue to decrease. Evacuees from previeously affected villages have been advised of Mount Agung status change and assisted by BPBD to all return to their respective homes. Mr. Kasbani says Mount Agung status downgrade is purely as a result of decrease in volcano activity, therefore anything outside the new 4 kilometre exclusion zone is now safe.
Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation will continue to monitor Mount Agung activity and subsequently downgrade the level further until back to normal.
Bali Tourism Board praises all parties involved in assisting all evacuees to return home.
For further information about Mount Agung Activities, please kindly visit Bali Tourism Board Official Website.