Alaya Resort Ubud Accepts its First Two Awards for 2019
The first awards of the year for Alaya Hotels & Resorts have just been received. These accolades serve as a timely reminder that a local brand has the ability to excel alongside international hospitality corporations. In the month of February 2019, Alaya Resort Ubud proudly accepted two awards from NOW Bali Magazine and Hotels.com.
The first award from NOW Bali came as a complete surprise. It was part of the magazine’s conservation program in appreciation for Alaya Resort Ubud’s commitment to following the Tri Hita Karana concept. This recognition was presented to the company for celebrating Balinese values by conducting regular temple visits and fulfilling its religious responsibilities. It also reinforces an ongoing obligation to Tri Hita Karana, a Balinese Hindu lifestyle philosophy that is all about maintaining a harmonious balance between mankind, the environment and God Almighty.
Under the Alaya Hotels & Resorts banner, Alaya Resort Ubud strives to implement the principles of Tri Hita Karana to all areas of business. The property is dedicated to adhering to local cultural and spiritual beliefs, as well as trying to make a difference to those less fortunate who do not directly benefit from the island’s tourism sector.
At the same time, Alaya Resort Ubud proudly accepted a ‘Loved by Guests’ award for delivering exceptional customer service throughout 2018. The ‘Loved by Guests’ awards are based on verified guest reviews at Hotels.com. Alaya Resort Ubud successfully achieved 9,2 as its annual score compiled from reviews by travellers who had actually stayed at and experienced the property. This annual endeavour recognizes elite service and high scoring peer-to-peer customer reviews from all Hotels.com reviews, as well as excellence in pricing and availability.