Properties under the Alaya Hotels & Resorts Banner Score Highly to Achieve 5-Star Classification
Alaya Hotels & Resorts has successfully maintained its credibility with the two properties under its corporate banner scoring highly to achieve 5-star classification. Alaya Resort Ubud and Alaya Dedaun Kuta were both evaluated and acknowledged by PT. Qis Certi Indonesia. These awards reinforce the fact that a local brand has the ability to excel alongside international hospitality corporations.
Alaya Dedaun Kuta claimed Diamond Certification for villa accommodation, which is the highest possible rating for a non-star property during an annual surveillance. This was carried out by PT. QIS Certi on 25th November 2019 and was the accumulation of a thorough two-year evaluation process to gain this prestigious status.
Nestled beneath the timeless branches of a majestic tree, Alaya Dedaun Kuta captures the spirit of a traditional Balinese village in a design concept attuned to the attributes of outdoor living. A collection of just 12 private villas make a conscious effort to anticipate the needs of modern travellers seeking serenity in the heart of Bali’s favourite beachside playground. As the only property of its kind in the area, Alaya Dedaun Kuta offers affordable luxury with a distinct focus on tropical relaxation.
The same accolade went to Alaya Resort Ubud. Following an annual surveillance audited by PT. QIS Certi on 16th December 2019, the resort proudly celebrated its own 5-star classification This undertaking not only marked seven years of dedicated service, it also coincided with the resort successfully completing a rigid two-year evaluation process. Remarkably, Alaya Resort Ubud scored an exceptionally high result of 1035 out of 1040 to achieve 5-star hotel classification.
“Alaya Resort Ubud and Alaya Dedaun Kuta truly deserve the highest scores for this year’s surveillance. There have been notable improvements at each property and they are both dedicated to cultural preservation and maintaining a harmonious environment for all guests and staff members,” said Mr. Putu Tirtayasa, PT. QIS Certi’s Lead Auditor.
These achievements represent a long journey of hard work and determination. For Alaya Resort Ubud it particular, this well-deserved classification status coincided with celebrations to mark the property’s 7th anniversary.
PT. QIS Certi is one of the best business certification institutions in Indonesia. It is supported by auditors and experts who are experienced in assessing management and tourism systems, and evaluating competency in accordance to ISO 17021 standards. Based on the Accreditation Certificate from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and the Ministry of Tourism as a Tourism Business Certification Institute (LSUP), PT. QIS Certi Indonesia is a reliable, independent and trusted certification company. From the audit results, PT. QIS Certi Indonesia is able to provide added value to tourism related companies by helping them to improve their products, services and management strategies on an ongoing basis.
In response to these achievements, Mrs. Dewi Mas, CHA, CHT, General Manager Alaya Hotels & Resorts, briefly addressed staff members and expressed her gratitude. She personally thanked everyone from both Alaya Resort Ubud and Alaya Dedaun Kuta for their dedication and for continuing to deliver heartfelt hospitality that is a primary source of guest satisfaction. She also shared her belief that together as a united team, the entire Alaya family has a role in ensuring the brand’s ongoing success.